my mom came into my room to wake me up, saying that it was 7 am.lawl.
I nearly screamed. Then I was thinking WTH la.lol.
So anyway, by the time I got to church it was already like 7.30am.
And then the fun began. I think I ran so much, causing my legs to hurt like hell on Mon AND Tue.haha.
So originally, my job was just to scream and oversee. But there were like 4 or 5 adults already doing that, so I joined in the fun.haha. I was like the sesat one. Cos I din have a group.lol. So there were times when I was washing with Ju, then Joel, Patrina, Ben Lew and even Loo.(yes he came)
haha..And he wore my bangle thingy. lol.( the white one was less gay btw)
Here are piccys of us washing the BMW:

So anyway, after the car washing. Part one(7am) and two(11am), my dad, Tina, Alex and me(who were both soaking) went to find Tina a ticket back. It took us about 2 hours ++ just to look for a freaking bus/train ticket back to KL. So then after that, we got back home-A.Jenny and A.3sa were there to go out for lunch with us(where they did not eat)- and I had to bathe, so I won't get sick. Then we went out for lunch and Tina followed A.Jenny home because she wanted to spend time with her godma:)
Then I went home to SNOOZE..haha, then got up and straight away went to church for car wash round 3.Bleh.I was kinda lifeless by then:P
So after the car wash, I ended up being titally drenched thanks to BOTH JALLEHS..And then, to show how LOVING I am, I hugged practically everyone there.haha..
Then we changed. And Patrina was so smart, not to bring extra stuff, so she had to call her sister.(who later on was asking pat if she was a man.haha)
And then, i went back home, hoping to say good bye to Tina, but she was still at A.Jenny's. Oh well.
Then I headed to Sonia's place, where we sat outside and BBQed(actually it was only Don) but anyway, we waited for Ez to answer our calls. Then I got fed up, I called her Dad's phone, and her mom answered and asked "Who is this?". Then I said "Andrina". And she was like "OOH..Hold on a." *Ez screaming in the background* and Ez telling me not to call that number again.Lawl. We SHALL SEE.
Then we were watching cartoons, with the younger people, cos we wanted to give Don and Sonia time alone(without us staring from across) haha..And we went up after everyone went back.(Don secretly wanting to follow us up :P)haha.Then, we slept at 3.o3am:) AWESOME TIME aite?
And we were woken up by :
MY PHONE..that rang.Cos Tina called to say she was going back.blablabla..and that pretty much woke all of us up because my current ringtone has sonia wailing in the background while anna and I sing, Your Guardian Angel XDD
haha..So I don't wanna make another post about what happened on Monday, so to cut the story short, like the good Malaysians we are, we went to celebrate MERDEKA in parade. Where we had BRUNCH, met up with Terence, AND PLAYED BOWLING:)
And I found awesome earphones :P
SO yea, thats about all.
Night darlings;)
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