Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The child

You know, we can learn a lot from children. Like the normal stuff of not judging, not holding grudges and even forgetting that you're angry. It all seems trivial matters to those small people with big hearts. But of late, I seem to realize something. In general, many people treat children like they are amazing people with endless potential, which is awesome and rightfully so. With all the cooing and trying to get them to laugh etc etc. I wonder though how is it that the(as) babies/children, get so much attention but move down a decade or two and people just walk on by.

When did being an adult mean to reduce our endless potential? Reduce us to the finite, instead of being infinite?

Shouldn't there be some sort of continuation to this fascination of another person, an interest in who they are and who they want to be. I don't only mean your friends. I mean the random person you meet on the street. To just sit, watch and high five another person. To run around with each other, either mentally or physically, just because.(I don't mean mind games. More of mentally challenging stuff along the lines of Sherlock VS Moriarty, but not too intense) To appreciate everyone for the child that they were and the adult they have come to be (to mask that child).

To be adult does not mean we do not get fascinated by things, or people and things lose it's appeal. To be adult should be us growing with more fascination for this world. Just imagine for a moment, how it would be like if people actually treated others like amazing people full of potential. There would be more patience in the wait, more help given and everyone would just be way more easy-going and helpful.

Maybe it's the late night, or the lack of sleep talking. But hey, it's just my thoughts.


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