Disclaimer: This post was written under immense emotions, so I apologize in advance for the language or lack of tact that I am about to display. This is only temporary.
So after a series of (unfortunate? slightly) events, I find myself in this very interesting spot where I find a friend/several friends seem to require hand holding. Not literally, but emotionally. The sort where if you don't hang out or don't check in, they assume something seems to be the matter. Ughh. ASSUME NOTHING MOFO. NOTHING. NOTHING IN LIFE CAN BE ASSUMED.(Unless you're in risk management, in which case; thanks for doing your job and be on your merry way.) You know how much this frustrates me? Immensely. Hey sure, I like to keep in touch and all but sometimes I just can't, I do have my own life to live, even if that life is assignments 24/7 I STILL NEED TO LIVE IT.
There are only so many hours I can spend 'lepaking'. Do not interpret my casual hi and byes as an invitation to question my friendship with you. I am loyal as fuck, and you don't need to pay shit for this loyalty. You better not question it, or I will see this question as my invitation to shut the door on you. I am not even kidding.
I am so thankful for all my friends. I have so many precious ones whom I care very much for, but the best ones are those who don't fade with time. Whom I can call out of the blue and still hang out like we see each other all the time. You guys know who you are. You know where you stand.
I'm so done with this drama,
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