Thursday, March 22, 2012

Advice: Semester Break

Once you're in college or uni, you'll be having long breaks between semesters.

It'll be (almost) like a complete break from the stress. Like a walk in the forest after a couple of months in the city.

You know why breaks always past so fast? Because you spend the first half of it planning. Planning stuff that may or may not happen. Out of the things you 'plan' to do, only 20-25% actually happens. It's just a fact. Then by the time you get over that fact, you're close to the end of the break and you're probably trying to rush and plan stuff you wanted to do all along in the back of your head. How on earth are we to solve this? How do we make it move slower? I think I've got it.

Just live from day to day. Don't plan anything in advance. Unless it's something planned by another person and all you have to do it attend or make an appearance.

Let's face it, the reality of the situation is that we plan stuff that's probably not gonna happen.

stop planning and just enjoy the break, because believe it or not something will come up. Something not of your making but still as interesting and real.

Take it a day at a time. Don't think about the end of the break. Just think about the day you want to have and the day you are having.


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