Thursday, February 2, 2012

Recent Happenings :)

At Lost World, last week:

*girl comes down from the tube ride and gets outta float*
I stare, and  follow her with my eyes. Hahaha.
Doyou and Ivan do the same.
*nods* "Buttcrack"

Seriously, some people. If you want to wear a bikini, at least realize when your body parts that aren't that appealing are put on display. It's kinda disgusting for us innocent bystanders.

Two days ago:

On the phone,
Alicia: You sure you didn't hit anyone?
Me: Yes.
Alicia: Sure you didn't scratch someones car?
Alicia: Not even a little scratch?

Shows how much of confidence my sister has in my driving. Cos on that day I had to drive solo to college and back, which isn't too far. But it's a big deal cos it's a manual car ;) AND, I stay in hilly area. So, yeah she had the right to worry, but my driving isn't THAT BAD, right?

-clare ;)

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