Thursday, December 15, 2011


So as promised, I shall make a point to blog more often. Since I'm on break and all. :D Here is a list of things I have planned/to do for this month :)
1. Sleepover
Yeahh. Like finally :) So its gonna be Pat, Val & Me :D Shannon has gone MIA ever since she became a KL person.

2. Caroling
So this years caroling is kinda shitty if you ask me. Seriously who needs so many practices. Like as though we're singing in so many parts la. Even if we were, it wouldn't require these many practices. Ish. *miss Terri come backkkkkkkk from GOA and save us*
Its seriously annoying how they change so much and never checked if its okay with the people who are actually singing. Well what can I do? Or what can I say?
But what really got me pist was how they left out TWO of my favourite songs. SERIOUSLY? You wanna sing the slow shit and leave out the classics? -.- So yeah, I managed to prove that yes, the singers know the songs and YES, they can sing it for caroling :D

EPIC FAIL. We made two batches of cookies yesterday. Mummy said the second type of cookies we made were not naise. Ergo, I get to eat em. So I was whacking away the cookies, then Mummy took out the second tray. That tray apparently wasn't bad. So I got banned from eating anymore. -.- GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I love ze cookies. Especially if I helped in the making. I should be able to eat right?

Well, I'm home alone now.


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