Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Because the Past is the Past and I wouldn't change a thing :)

"So my semester break has finally begun and it's for a whole month. Since it's a whole bloody month and I have not managed to secure a job of any sort, I shall finally update my blog, cos I haven't done that this whole year. I should be given two slaps, since I've had ample time to do so. Anyways, let's move away from my failure to blog and think of other stuff. One thing I haven't done in a bit is blog about artist and music stuff. :/ Haha. I need to do something about that soon." As you can see from this post, I started writing it at the start of my break. That break, which is already coming to an end. I resume classes next week. The only thing I'm looking forward to is being back at the apartment and hanging with my homies. It's amazing how fast Mars and I have become such good friends. Maybe it's cos we're both equally weird. I take that back, she's weirder. But that's why I love being homies with her. And Ruve! The more studious of the 3 of us. ;) Love being homies with her too. Between the liking for shows and movie marathons of the 3 of us and le bro, we pretty much mesh very well. :) I think the selling point was when I found out all of us love Supernatural.