Sunday, November 4, 2012


So when procrastination kicks in and I've done almost everything, (from sitting on my bed listening to music and staring at the wall to having a whole season marathon of a show) I head back to the first thing i procrastinated doing: Blogging.

The number of drafts I have in my "All Posts" section is just overwhelming. I finally figured out why I haven't been blogging. I'm running out of ideas. Inspiration is running dry. It's barely there anymore. I can imagine I still have it, but it only makes me realize how much of a shell i have become.

When did we end up being such robots? Doing the same thing over and over again until you know it by heart. Why? I swear some days I feel like there's no purpose, some I 'think' I've found it. But what if that's just me talking myself into something. Sigh. Growing up is painfully real, sad to say.

I just wish that with time, I don't loose who I am. And with that, I don't end up being something I always said I won't be.
