Sunday, November 4, 2012


So when procrastination kicks in and I've done almost everything, (from sitting on my bed listening to music and staring at the wall to having a whole season marathon of a show) I head back to the first thing i procrastinated doing: Blogging.

The number of drafts I have in my "All Posts" section is just overwhelming. I finally figured out why I haven't been blogging. I'm running out of ideas. Inspiration is running dry. It's barely there anymore. I can imagine I still have it, but it only makes me realize how much of a shell i have become.

When did we end up being such robots? Doing the same thing over and over again until you know it by heart. Why? I swear some days I feel like there's no purpose, some I 'think' I've found it. But what if that's just me talking myself into something. Sigh. Growing up is painfully real, sad to say.

I just wish that with time, I don't loose who I am. And with that, I don't end up being something I always said I won't be.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Awesome apps to amuse yourself with ;)

I have decided to share some apps that are the best on days where you just wanna sit down, do nothing an explore stuff or read interesting articles on you phone/tablet.

1. 8tracks

 Google Play Link

8tracks is like a music doctor, it has every and any sort of playlist you could imagine. 8tracks may come off as slightly sticky at first when it comes to skipping tracks in a playlist. In an hour, there is a limit to the number of times you can skip songs. This may sound irritating, but it really helps in some ways. :) The best feature 8tracks has, is that it allows you to search by artist, genre, tags and the standard titles. So, no matter what sorta search you wanna carry out, they've got you covered. 8tracks also has a web version, besides their Android and Iphone apps, so even if you don't have a smartphone you can still enjoy it. A side note, 8tracks loads a little bit of the song before playing, to allow for a smooth and uninterrupted play :)


2. Sumbleupon

 Google Play Link

Stumbleupon makes the internet seem like a playground. Essentially, the more you use the app, the better the app is at suggesting you sites that you may like. Stumbleupon takes a whole new look into stumbling upon an awesome webpage. This way, you can stumble upon all the types of stuff you like, with their multiple categories of stumbling.


3. Drippler

 Google Play Link

If you're one to keep track of your phone's updates, best apps for your phone and just generally anything to do with your android phone, Drippler is the app for you. It has an app for almost each android phone on the market. And if you're not interested in your phones updates, you can always install the default one and select which phones you'd like to get updates on. Everyday, it updates the articles related to the selected phone.


On my Tablet:

On my DEFY:

4. PLAY by AOL Music

Google Play Link

Another music app that helps you find awesome singers/bands. PLAY is where artist have full-length listening parties ;) You can listen to the latest album releases of the week and just explore new artists. Not only is it an app to discover music, it can also act as your music player. It's UI is clean and simple to use. :D


-clare ;)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Semester four.

So in this semester, I have a subject called Digital Image Editing, aka DIE. It's not exactly the hardest subject, but still tough. This is because for our finals, we have to give an explanation of the steps in doing a certain style of editing. Like WTF. Some stuff you can only do, but not explain as well right? Sigh. Well anyways, here's a sample of a page i had to design for my project. A magazine page. I think this was the most simple one among those i did. :)


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thinspo and Fitspo. Skinny and Strong.

So everyone has some problem with the way they look. Either their eyes aren't big enough, height isn't tall enough, skin isn't fair enough or tanned enough. The list goes on and on. For most of these problems there are almost immediate solutions which aren't going to burn a hole in your fairly average pocket.

there is one thing that can't be solved like the above problems. Weight issues. Or most commonly known as the 'I'm Fat' syndrome. Am I the only one who is almost going deaf with all the complaints of perfectly normal sized girls and guys (mostly girls) complaining or whining about how fat they are? AND, how eating the big F is going to worsen the problem.

If you're on any social networking site (which you probably are), you'd probably have stumbled across Thinspiration(thinspo) and Fitspiration(fitspo) as hashtags of pictures. If you haven't, then I guess there is still hope for humanity.

  • Thinspo

Thinspiration is basically inspiration via pictures of skinny people to get thin, which I'm not against.(the getting skinny part) The idea behind thinspo is that it helps motivate and inspire you to lose weight and become or stay thin.The idea is fine, but when it is used by people suffering from eating disorders to help keep them inspired, I think that's a little too much. The technique to getting skinny is just scary.

Here is a couple of tips of an actual tip sheet:

'1. Drink one glass of water every hour. It will make you feel full.'
'12. Wear a rubberband around your wrist. Snap it when you want to eat.'
'24. Make yourself a snack, but instead of eating it throw it away. Leave the dirty dishes where your parents can find them. They will think you ate.'

'34. Eat in front of a mirror naked. See how much you can eat then!'

The Full List

This was what Isabelle Caro looked like in the documentary.

Recently I watched this documentary on a french model (Isabelle Caro), who died at the age of 28. Isabelle Caro's anorexia started during her childhood where her mother feared that she would grow. Which is just sad, because 13 year olds are supposed to grow and enjoy their childhood. Isabelle died on my birthday (17th November) in 2010. After watching that documentary, I've been trying to write a post on her for some time. But I just can't seem to get it right, you know? So I decided to write about Thinspo and include her in it, because she fought for her life against anorexia. Why would someone inflict that on themselves willingly?

For those who don't know what is thinspo, here is and insight on what it is:

This is a picture I found on photobucket on thinspo.
Just your nomal dose of thinspiration

After I read these, I got a little bit defensive about how I live my life.
I mean anyone would right? Unless you're pro-ana (in support of anorexia)

Young girls are throwing away their youth, trying to be as thin as they possibly can be.

Tell me how THIS is inspirational:
I think everyone needs to take a good hard look at the meaning of inspirational and figure out how it got so messed up.

  • Fitspo

On the other hand of this extreme line of life is fitspiration which ultimately means obtaining similar results as thinspo (getting slimmer) BUT with different and healthier methods. 

Fitspo inspires via pictures or quotes of active, strong, and fit women that promote proper exercise and diet.

Most fitspo is very encouraging to everyone (girls and guys). Especially if you're more of an athletic person or built like one.

But fitspo, though it seems to have good intentions has the same pressure on physical appearance. And, may even lead to over-exercising.

 No doubt between the two, I'd go for fitspo.

Ultimately, you'll have to decide if you want to look good or feel good. Cos they're both different in certain aspects. Looking good is how people perceive you. Feeling good on the other hand is your own feelings towards yourself. Having both is a rarity, not impossible just hard. ;)

Hope this post was interesting :)


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The only DIET i'm on is the SEEFOOD DIET.

So, these days I feel like I'm the only girl at college who actually eats. It doesn't really get to me cos all my course mates are guys. 

Anyway, i noticed that more and more of my friends are going on some shit diets and stuff like that. Like seriously? 
People sacrifice a ton for love, for education, for family but for self satisfaction? Just so you can become the 'ideal' you? What's the point? 

Your problems aren't rooted in the fact that you're not as slim/stick-ish as you'd wish to be! It's just sad, the way skinny people who are seriously skinny tell me they're fat. Even when I point out to them that they're half the size of me, they can defend that by saying "You're taller la, it's different." Really? That's your justification?

So there are two types of people who diet out there. (And by diet I mean don't eat a minimum of 3 healthy meals a day.)

The first kind: Those who are skinny and want to stay skinny.

The second kind: Those who are plum or bigger sized and want to become skinny.

So you end up with two kinds, where the first kind influences the second.

Sometimes I think it's because of the way people judge us on looks alone. But if you truly think about it, the people we love are all the same to us, they are all awesome and not rated according to looks.

Have you ever actually thought about it? Like seriously why you liked that one person way longer than those other crushes you had? It's cos you weren't only attracted to their looks. You liked them for what they stood for and how they react to their surroundings.

That is all for now. I think I shall talk about fitspo and thinspo in an upcoming post. Seems to be a trend among our generation.

-clare ;) 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Google Play

So over the years, the popularity of Android has increased drastically. With popularity comes changes. :) One of those changes is Google Play, formerly known as the Android Market. 

The Android Market was the Android version of the Nokia's Ovi Store, Apple's App Store, Windows Phone's Marketplace and Blackberry's App World.

Google Play is a combination of  music, books, apps, games as well as a cloud media player. Prior to this, the Android Market only had apps and games.

Here is a comparison of how it looked then and now:

So, as you can see not much has changed layout-wise. The only noticeable difference is the logo and the location of the search bar. 

Here is what you see when you click on learn more (which leads you to the about page):

Here, you can see a list of the 4 different things you can access on Google Play. :)

Overall, I think Google is just expanding. :) This change is a big step in the right direction and I can't wait to see what Google has up their sleeves. Not all change is bad, but most take time to settle with us. Hope all Android users like the transition. I know I do :D


Advice: Semester Break

Once you're in college or uni, you'll be having long breaks between semesters.

It'll be (almost) like a complete break from the stress. Like a walk in the forest after a couple of months in the city.

You know why breaks always past so fast? Because you spend the first half of it planning. Planning stuff that may or may not happen. Out of the things you 'plan' to do, only 20-25% actually happens. It's just a fact. Then by the time you get over that fact, you're close to the end of the break and you're probably trying to rush and plan stuff you wanted to do all along in the back of your head. How on earth are we to solve this? How do we make it move slower? I think I've got it.

Just live from day to day. Don't plan anything in advance. Unless it's something planned by another person and all you have to do it attend or make an appearance.

Let's face it, the reality of the situation is that we plan stuff that's probably not gonna happen.

stop planning and just enjoy the break, because believe it or not something will come up. Something not of your making but still as interesting and real.

Take it a day at a time. Don't think about the end of the break. Just think about the day you want to have and the day you are having.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Music in everyday life.

Most of us tend to have a favorite genre that we cling to. One that we seem to always come back to. For me, it's possibly post-pop-indie-pop-indie-folk sort of sounds. :) It's just infectious. Once I've heard it a couple of times, all I want to do is just lie on my bed and listen to them all over and just rediscover what I love about the song.

In lieu of creating a list, I decided to just suggest the artist of last month for me :) I'd have to say Regina Spektor. She was just on loop, like ALL THE TIME. Gotta love her voice and her talent.

Therefore, here is my list(obviously there would be one in this post (; ) from the artist for my month of February! :)

Top songs to check out from Regina Spektor:
1. All The Rowboats
2. That Time
3. Samson
4. Us
5. Laughing With
6. Fidelity

Just download all albums! :D

P.S. Ez, if you see this, you should know I think of you everytime I hear her songs :D Hahhahaah. Love you babe (:

-clare ;)

Friday, February 3, 2012

20 Movies in 2012 :)

So here is a list of movies that you, me and everyone should at least check out ;)

1. G.I. Joe Retaliation
So, what's hotter than having Channing Tatum AND Dwayne Johnson in the same movie? Okay, maybe the next movie on this list. Plus, Jon M. Chu directs the movie. Which is awesome :) Love his Step Up movies and also LXD.

So this movie is basically a retaliation of what happened in the first movie. Looks freaking kick ass.

Synopsis: When Cobra spy Zartan has most of the Joes assassinated, the remaining Joes band together to strike back.



2. The Avengers
 If someone tells me they are not looking forward to this movie, you're fucking bluffing. NOBODY, I tell you, NOBODY is not hyped up and waiting for this movie to be released. At least all movie buffs will be looking forward to it, for sure. Come on, such a star studded cast? That doesn't happen very often. Or even when it does, doesn't end well.

Synopsis: Nick Fury and the international agency S.H.I.E.L.D. bring together a team of super humans to form The Avengers to help save the Earth from Loki & his various membered army.



3. The Expendables 2
This movie is definitely Chuck Norris approved. I'm serious. Have you taken a look at the cast? He just happens to be on the cast list ;) AND,  Jason Statham is in it, for one. Who doesn't like his accent? As a contrast to all the American ones we hear in almost all the movies he acts in. It's just a few tons of badass-ness all wrapped into one package. ;)

Synopsis: Mr. Church reunites the Expendables for what should be an easy paycheck, but when one of their men is murdered on the job, their quest for revenge puts them deep in enemy territory and up against an unexpected threat.



4. The Dark Knight Rises
So, The Dark Knight was epic. Lets hope this one is just as good? But I highly doubt it can top The Dark Knight, but lets wait till after the movie to be the judge of that :)

Synopsis: Eight years after the events of The Dark Knight, the terrorist leader Bane arrives in Gotham City, pushing it and its police force to their limits, forcing its former hero Batman to resurface after taking the fall for Harvey Dent's crimes.



5. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Synopsis: Bilbo Baggins, a Hobbit, journeys to the Lonely Mountain accompanied by a group of dwarves to reclaim a treasure taken from them by the dragon Smaug.



6. The Hunger Games
Okay, the book was just kickass. Hopefully the movie doesn't screw too much with it.

Synopsis: Set in a future where the Capitol selects a boy and girl from the twelve districts to fight to the death on live television, Katniss Everdeen volunteers to take her younger sister's place for the latest match.



7. Madagascar 3
 Need I say more? Madagascar has like some of the most epic characters EVER. Like King Julian. Who doesn't laugh at the stuff he pulls?

Synopsis: Alex the Lion, Marty the Zebra, Melman the Giraffe and Gloria the Hippo join a traveling circus in an effort to get back home to New York.



8. The Amazing Spider Man
I THINK, it looks pretty good. Trailer wise anyway.I'm ready for some change. :) Plus, Spiderman should start out really young. And, its not exactly a remake of the original Spiderman movies, it's got a different side to it, with the same characters.

Synopsis: Peter Parker finds a clue that might help him understand why his parents disappeared when he was young. His path puts him on a collision course with Dr. Curt Connors, his father's former partner.



9. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Book was cool and awesome. Can't wait to see how they turn it into a movie. Hope they don't kill the awesome-ness.

Synopsis: President Lincoln's mother is killed by a supernatural creature, which fuels his passion to crush vampires and their slave-owning helpers.

Trailer: UNAVAILABLE :'(


10. Step Up 4
 So, I loved the first one. Loved the second one even more. And totally LOVED 3D :) Moose is the bomb. I have no idea how they're gonna top the first 3, without Jon as the director or any characters from the previous movies. Well, I'll still watch it anyway :D

Synopsis: Emily arrives in Miami with aspirations to become a professional dancer. She sparks with Sean, the leader of a dance crew whose neighborhood is threatened by Emily's father's development plans.



11. Brave
 A badass Disney Princess. #nuffsaid

Synopsis: Determined to make her own path in life, Princess Merida defies a custom that brings chaos to her kingdom. Granted one wish, Merida must rely on her bravery and her archery skills to undo a beastly curse.



 MIB MIB MIB. You suck if you don't like MIB.

Synopsis: Agent J travels in time to MIB's early years in the 1960s, to stop an alien from assassinating his friend Agent K and changing history.



13. Tangled Ever After
Tangled was a nice movie, different from the normal classical tales you watch. This short film of Tangled looks promising ;)

Synopsis: The kingdom is abuzz over the royal wedding of Rapunzel and Flynn Rider.



14. Magic Mike
 Male Strippers? With Channing Tatum, Matt Bomer AND Alex Pettyfer. I cannot even ahgadjdgdhalkfaiofyueifoeiffsklfajk. *drools*

Synopsis: An upstart male stripper is taken under the wing of a more experienced colleagues.

Trailer: TBA


American Pie RETURNS :) Hahaha.

Synopsis: Jim, Michelle, Stifler, and their friends reunite in East Great Falls, Michigan for their high school reunion.



16. 21 Jump Street
The trailer is freaking funny. HAHAHAHAH.

Synopsis: A pair of underachieving cops are sent back to a local high school to blend in and bring down a synthetic drug ring.



17. The Dictator
Just watch it. Funny shiz.

Synopsis: The heroic story of a dictator who risks his life to ensure that democracy would never come to the country he so lovingly oppressed.



18. This Means War

Synopsis: Two top CIA operatives wage an epic battle against one another after they discover they are dating the same woman.



19. Mirror Mirror
A comedy sorta tale of Snow White. Wicked. AND, because Snow White and the Huntsmen is too MAINSTREAM.

Synopsis: An evil queen steals control of a kingdom and an exiled princess enlists the help of seven resourceful rebels to win back her birthright.



20. Dark Shadows
JOHNNY DEPP. Enough reason to watch.

Synopsis: A gothic-horror tale centering on the life of vampire Barnabas Collins and his run-ins with various monsters, witches, werewolves and ghosts. Based on the cult TV series.

Trailer: TBA



-clare ;)